Hmm, sorry about that brief break in transmission. Let's pile a load of stuff into this one, shall we?
If you missed
AC/DC playing at
Airline Stadium in Melbourne last week, then this tribute show at
the Old Bar may be some small (very small) compensation:

I understand one of the Oldie's owners is celebrating his beard's 21st birthday, or something of that nature, on Friday night, too. Whatever- he's a guy who has been known to drink gin & Red Bull at times, so, y'know, approach with caution.
Then remember to set the alarm early-ish so you can get a good spot on the grass at this:
Playing times:12.30-1.00: The Brutals
1.20-1.50: The Orbweavers
2.10-2.40: Grace Before Meals (Syd)
3.00-3.30: East Brunswick All Girls Choir
3.50-4.20: Denim Owl
4.40-5.10: Teeth & Tongue
5.30-6.10: Ned Collette & Wirewalker
6.30-7.10: Crow (Syd)
7.30-8.00: Alphabethead (NZ)
8.30-9.00: The Rebelles
9.20-10.00: Dave McCormack & The Polaroids
Last year's show was one of the best gigs of the year. Remember- BYO but no glass, don't forget the sunscreen, and only a complete arsehole would quibble about paying that entry "donation".
If you find the thought of being out doors in the evening a bit scary, you can leave early and head to the Birmy for this:

I have not seen this Taco Leg mob, but am very keen to.
Then a change of pace on Sunday:

Singer/songwriter LOENE CARMEN’s spectacular fourth album It Walks Like Love, released December last year, will receive a belated Melbourne album launch on Sunday 21st February at the Toff In Town. Carmen will perform with her live band and co-conspirators, young punks Brock Fitzgerald and Sam Pearton from The Scare on guitar and drums respectively and right hand man, bass player Sam Worrad, from garage rockers Holy Soul.
At some stage I also need to find time to check out the chinos at
Chadstone. But you don't need to worry about that.