Triggered by a marketing email in my inbox the other day...I used to quite like the
Go Betweens. The distinctive "Australian-ness" they get lauded for these days wasn't so much a factor of their sound when they were resident in Melbourne around the time that
Missing Link put out
"Your Turn, My Turn", and the "
Send Me A Lullaby" LP. Live, they could be strikingly spiky and intense, sometimes moving from petulant to fragile to near collapse, but always entertaining.
A whole bunch of people have contributed to a new tribute album:

My most memorable Go Betweens adventures probably don't bear writing down.
One involves a party at the (rather swanky) home of the parents of
VOX magazine editor
Neil Bradbury. There was drinking, there was a pool, there were some hijinks. Late in the afternoon I was "resting" indoors when Lindy Morrison came in to get changed out of her swimming costume. She didn't bat an eyelid at my semi-conscious figure, blithely stripping nude, chatting all the time. Two things made an impression on me that afternoon- apart from the obvious, she called me an iconclast, the first and only time I've ever been labelled thus.
The other took place at a house in Punt Rd. East Melbourne, in 1983, I think, on the day before they left on a return trip to England. I'd dropped in that afternoon to say goodbye. Grant was clearly over the whole thing, and just wanted to get there. Robert was charming but nervous. Lindy was packing and repacking her case- her suitcase, not her equipment flight cases- and caused minor panic when she came downstairs and loudly announced that her passport had been stolen, and so they wouldn't be able to go after all. Robert sighed, rolled his eyes, and found it for her in two minutes flat.
So there you go
Full track listing for that album, by the way, goes like this:
Disc One (studio recordings)
Lee Remick Patience Hodgson
(from The Grates)
Bye Bye Pride Sarah Blasko
Head Full Of Steam Dan Kelly
Dusty In Here Youth Group
The House That Jack Kerouac Built Glenn Richards (from Augie March)
Streets Of Your Town Bob Evans
Right Here Darren Hanlon
Bachelor Kisses Josh Pyke
Draining The Pool For You Andrew Cox (from The Fauves)
Hold Your Horses Sarah Blasko and Darren Hanlon
No Reason To Cry New Buffalo
Finding You Adele Pickvance (from The Go-Betweens)
Spring Rain David McCormack (from Custard)
Dive For Your Memory Glenn Thompson (from The Go-Betweens)
Disc Two (live at the Tivoli Theatre,Brisbane)
Head Full Of Steam David Mccormack
Lee Remick Darren Hanlon
Right Here Darren Hanlon
No Reason To Cry Kevin Mitchell (Aka Bob Evans)
Bye Bye Pride Sarah Blasko
Dusty In Here Toby Martin & Cameron Emerson (Youth Group)
This Girl, Black Girl Toby Martin and Cameron Emerson (Youth Group)
Spring Rain Dan Kelly
Draining The Pool For You Dan Kelly
The House That Jack Kerouac Built Glenn Richards
People Say Glenn Richards
Hold Your Horses Sarah Blasko
Streets Of Your Town Bob Evans
Finding You Glenn Thompson and Adele Pickvance
Dive For Your Memory Glenn Thompson and Adele Pickvance