Well, that was a weekend and a half. 15 goddam bands in 2 days. Late nights, a few beers, and a lot of fun.
There are some pics and words of
the Visitors here if you need background - for all the reformation/reissue angle, there was not one minute of their set that felt gratuitous or nostalgic. Maybe it's because they have been dormant for so long, but they brought real freshness to a solid set, which took in about everything I could have hoped for:

Despite ripping off/paying homage to his "Minister of Defence" tag for my "Minister of Offence" role with
GOD many years ago, I've never seen Mark Sisto perform before. He was excellent- in great voice, punchy, sly and very funny too. Pip Hoyle and Deniz Tek didn't disappoint the Birdman tragics in the crowd either, though having said that I'd reckon that you could enjoy these guys for the class act they are, without any knowledge or experience of their past activities. CD details are
here if you are interested.
It was a bit of a struggle getting my arse into
Flip Out for the 3.00pm kick-off the next day, but I made it and I'm glad. In the past festivals have been a bit "meh" for me- they all seem to go on too long, have too much dead time, may involve standing round in a field, or a combination of all three. This thing really hit the spot though. Highlights were the
Pink Fits bruising, high-energy set, the return of
the Stabs, US legend
MOTO's deranged guitar riffery/perversion and
ECSR's killer closing set. There were old friends and new friends, there was
"Creature From The Black Lagoon" on the big screen, there was beer, there was the promised free CD- all good.